Cutting edge technology lets us see what the brain is really doing!
qEEG stands for "quantitative electroencephalogram" and it can also be called a "brainmap." It is an assessment tool that shows us the speed and amount of brain activity across the whole head and compare it with the patterns we expect it to make based on your age and gender... Then we can change it!

The brain's patterns help us understand behavior... and we can change it
"I'm awesome at my job, but I really struggle to get my paperwork done."
"I'm so tired but I just can't sleep well."
"My kid is so smart, but he/she/they can't seem to get their homework done."
"I swear I'm not crazy, but I'm just so anxious all the time."
The behavior patterns that cause stress and struggle in our daily lives are not always conscious choices. Sometimes, they have a neurological component. Our brains can develop unexpected patterns that influence the speed and flexibility of our tasks, and really color the way we experience life. The qEEG lets us see these patterns and identify behavior that is not optimal, so that we can change it, sometimes by changing the brainwave patterns with neurofeedback, and sometimes with coping strategies and behavioral interventions.

What happens during the data collection session
The Quantitative EEG consists of placing an electrocap (it looks like a swimmer's cap with holes which contain electrodes) on your head, using a conductive gel to bridge the gap between your scalp and the sensor, and hooking the cap up to a monitoring unit called an amplifier.
The amplifier is connected to the computer, which records and analyses the electrical activity of the brain, and graphs them out as an EEG tracing. "EEG" stands for electroencephalograph, which is a big word for "brain wave graph." Once I have verified that the signal is good, I will ask you to close your eyes for approximately 10 minutes, but not fall asleep. Once I have enough data, I will ask you to open your eyes and stare at a point on the wall, blinking as little as possible, again for about 10 minutes. That's all you have to do! At the end of recording I will remove the cap, clean off as much of the gel as I can, and the session is over.
What I do between the data collection and the review
What to expect in the review session
Why should I do a qEEG before starting neurofeedback?
Can I just come get a qEEG and not do neurofeedback?
Why does it cost $750?