How often have you started the year with the best of intentions: to change something about yourself or to attain a goal, but three weeks later you are already having trouble keeping yourself on the path to success? Keeping New Year's Resolutions is next to impossible for most people, because they try to do it in isolation. Having a support system drastically improves your chances for success, especially if there is accountability between you and that support system.
According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, a research survey identified the following as the top 10 New Year's Resolutions of 2014:

1 Lose Weight
2 Getting Organized
3 Spend Less, Save More
4 Enjoy Life to the Fullest
5 Staying Fit and Healthy
6 Learn Something Exciting
7 Quit Smoking
8 Help Others in Their Dreams
9 Fall in Love
10 Spend More Time with Family
That same study showed that while 34% of people in their 20s who make New Year's Resolutions manage to achieve it, only 14% of those over 50 will achieve their resolution. This year, if you don't have a partner in your goal: a running buddy, an accountant, a spouse who isn't afraid to call you on your mistakes, a formal support group, or addiction program, then finding a counselor or therapist who can walk that road with you, encourage you and hold you accountable may be of help.
In our office, I don't just see people who have a diagnosis they are trying to overcome or cope with. Some of my favorite clients are individuals who are striving for self actualization, whose "New Year's Resolution" is to become a better version of themselves. I use a lot of tools to help in that process, including Mindfulness meditation, EFT, Biofeedback, guided meditations, and hypnotherapy, and for some, it is a matter of just meeting every few weeks to check on their progress and help them self correct if they have gone off path. While I probably can't help you drop 50 pounds or help you fall in love, I can certainly help you keep your motivation high and help you learn to love yourself for who and what you are, and to help you find the next steps to take to attain your goals and keep your New Year's Resolutions.